Vorstand & Major

Side Effects: What You Should Know While Ivermectin 12mg, often branded as Stromectol in its human version, has its set of potential benefits, it is crucial to be aware of possible side effects to ensure safe use. Common side effects include dizziness, nausea, and diarrhea. These symptoms are generally mild and temporary but can be bothersome if persistent. Less commonly, users may experience fever, skin rash, or swelling. It’s critical to consult healthcare professionals if these symptoms escalate; they can provide tailored advice based on individual health conditions and treatment responses.
Hälg SabrinaPräsidentin
Tanner PatriziaVizepräsident / Tourmanager
Fasolt AnianMaterialwart
Jäger SilvanaKassierin
Ackermann-Kühne SonjaAktuarin
Bonderer SimonMajor